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XLConnect is loaded automatically when I start R session

I got a problem with the R package "XLConnect".

Every time I open R, this package is automatically loaded.

So I thought it had been included in the default packages for some strange reason, and I wrote like this:

getOption('defaultPackages') [1] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" "stats" "methods"

It does not appear in the default packages; now I really don't know what to do.

I ask for a help.


  • I've had a similar problem and the cause was a variable called .required in the "default workspace". That is, when you start R, it loads a workspace which on Windows could be, e.g., .RData file in "My documents" or some similar place.

    Take a look at ls(all=TRUE) -- to list all variables, even those starting with period.

    If you see .required there, and .required contains something like "XLConnect" then you've (probably by chance) told R to load XLConnect every time this workspace is loaded. Remove this variable


    .. and save the workspace


    Hope this helps.