I would like user's to be able to "choose" an image that they've previously uploaded via Twitter.
I am using the Twitter Gem by Sferik, but after reading the documentation I haven't gotten much further.
When I make a call to the authenticated user's timeline, I can see some tweets have a media object like so:
=> #<Twitter::Tweet:0x007fe8eaaf4738 @attrs={
:created_at=>"Fri Jun 14 22:24:19 +0000 2013",
:text=>"Testing some more WishPanda. Check out the logo made by Becky Peng! http://t.co/rmD56WhO3r",
:source=>"<a href=\"http://twitter.com/download/android\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for Android</a>",
:description=>"It's so floofy!",
:url=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links",
:url=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
:indices=>[0, 20]}]},
:created_at=>"Wed Nov 17 19:49:38 +0000 2010",
:time_zone=>"Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
:profile_background_image_url=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
:profile_background_image_url_https=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
:profile_image_url=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
:profile_image_url_https=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
:profile_banner_url=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
:indices=>[68, 90],
:media_url_https=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
:url=>"removed because i couldn't post more than two links",
:display_url=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links",
:expanded_url=>""removed because i couldn't post more than two links"",
How can I pull several of these media URLs out via the Twitter gem?
I don't know how you can do that with the gem currently, but you could filter the results with an .each loop:
@twitter.each do |tweet|
if tweet.media_url.present?
Problems with this method
You're looping through the whole array every time (not very efficient). I am looking at the source to see if anything can be done to filter the results so that a loop isn't necessary
Working code from one of our apps:
In helper:
def twitter_feed
Twitter.user_timeline(21931601).take(5) #limits array to 5 items
In view:
twitter_feed.each do |tweet|
image_tag(tweet.media[0]["media_url"], :size => tweet.media[0]["sizes"]["thumb"]) if(tweet.media.present?)
More Options
There are more options on Twitter Gem's Github page