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Conversion failed while converting nvarchar value to datatype int

I want to get the values of @sql to p. But while conversion it says that "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'select sum(stock) from[Hard disk]' to data type int."

declare @tname varchar(10);
declare @p int
declare @i int

declare @sql nvarchar(max);

set @tname = 'Hard disk';

set @sql = 'select sum(stock) from' + '[' + @tname + ']'

exec  (@sql)

print @sql

select @p = convert(int,@sql)

print @p

What i want is to assign the result of the query @SQL in integer variable @p..


  • One way to do it is do it all in the dynamic sql.

    declare @tname varchar(10);
    declare @p int
    declare @i int
    declare @sql nvarchar(max);
    set @tname = 'Hard disk';
    set @sql = 
    'DECLARE @Result AS INT
    select @Result = sum(stock) from' + '[' + @tname + ']
    PRINT @Result'
    exec  (@sql)

    The other way would be creating an output param.

    DECLARE @tname VARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)
    DECLARE @Result INT
    SET @tname = 'Hard disk';
    SET @SQLString = N'SELECT @Result = sum(stock)
                       FROM ' + QUOTENAME( @tname )  
    SET @ParmDefinition = N'@Result INT OUTPUT'
    EXECUTE sp_executesql
    @Result=@Result OUTPUT
    PRINT @Result

    You better use QUOTENAME for embrasing the table name with the brackets, as it is more native.