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What is the difference between "def" and "val" to define a function

What is the difference between:

def even: Int => Boolean = _ % 2 == 0


val even: Int => Boolean = _ % 2 == 0

Both can be called like even(10).


  • Method def even evaluates on call and creates new function every time (new instance of Function1).

    def even: Int => Boolean = _ % 2 == 0
    even eq even
    //Boolean = false
    val even: Int => Boolean = _ % 2 == 0
    even eq even
    //Boolean = true

    With def you can get new function on every call:

    val test: () => Int = {
      val r = util.Random.nextInt
      () => r
    // Int = -1049057402
    // Int = -1049057402 - same result
    def test: () => Int = {
      val r = util.Random.nextInt
      () => r
    // Int = -240885810
    // Int = -1002157461 - new result

    val evaluates when defined, def - when called:

    scala> val even: Int => Boolean = ???
    scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing
    scala> def even: Int => Boolean = ???
    even: Int => Boolean
    scala> even
    scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing

    Note that there is a third option: lazy val.

    It evaluates when called the first time:

    scala> lazy val even: Int => Boolean = ???
    even: Int => Boolean = <lazy>
    scala> even
    scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing

    But returns the same result (in this case same instance of FunctionN) every time:

    lazy val even: Int => Boolean = _ % 2 == 0
    even eq even
    //Boolean = true
    lazy val test: () => Int = {
      val r = util.Random.nextInt
      () => r
    // Int = -1068569869
    // Int = -1068569869 - same result


    val evaluates when defined.

    def evaluates on every call, so performance could be worse than val for multiple calls. You'll get the same performance with a single call. And with no calls you'll get no overhead from def, so you can define it even if you will not use it in some branches.

    With a lazy val you'll get a lazy evaluation: you can define it even if you will not use it in some branches, and it evaluates once or never, but you'll get a little overhead from double check locking on every access to your lazy val.

    As @SargeBorsch noted you could define method, and this is the fastest option:

    def even(i: Int): Boolean = i % 2 == 0

    But if you need a function (not method) for function composition or for higher order functions (like filter(even)) compiler will generate a function from your method every time you are using it as function, so performance could be slightly worse than with val.

    With java 8+ lambda optimisations converting method to function is a cheap operation.