Search code examples

How to start a query from a static website?

The problem

I have the following question: I need to search for some information about a company using the following link.

What I need to do with it is a search by entity name with search type being "begin with" drop down value. I also would like to see "All items" per page in the Display number of items to view part. For example, if I input "google" in the "Enter name" text box, the script should return a list of companies with names start with "google" (though this is just the starting point of what I want to do).

Question: How should I use Python to do this? I found the following thread: Using Python to ask a web page to run a search

I tried the example in the first answer, the code is put below:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
import requests


text = requests.get('' + protein).text
soup = BS(text)
MGI = soup.find(name='a', onclick="'DR-lines', 'click', 'DR-MGI');").text
MGI = MGI[4:]
print protein +' - ' + MGI

The above code works because the UniPort website contains analytics, which takes those parameters. However,the website I am using doesn't have that.

I also tried to do the same thing as the first answer in this thread: how to submit query to .aspx page in python

However, the example code provide in the 1st answer does not work on my machine (Ubuntu 12.4 with Python 2.7). I am also not clear about which values should be there since I am dealing with a different aspx website.

How could I use Python to start a search with certain criteria (not sure this is proper web terminology, may be submit a form?) ?

I am from a C++ background and did not do any web stuff. I am also learning Python. Any help is greatly appreciated.

First EDIT:
With great help from @Kabie, I collected the following code (trying to understand how it works):

import requests
from lxml import etree

URL = ''

#With get_fields(), we fetched all <input>s from the form.
def get_fields():
    res = requests.get(URL)
    if res.ok:
        page = etree.HTML(res.text)
        fields = page.xpath('//form[@id="Form1"]//input')
        return { e.attrib['name']: e.attrib.get('value', '') for e in fields }

#hard code some selects from the Form
def query(data):
    formdata = get_fields()
    }) # Hardcode some <select> value
    res =, formdata)
    if res.ok:
        page = etree.HTML(res.text)
        return page.xpath('//table[@id="MainContent_SearchControl_grdSearchResultsEntity"]//tr')

def search_by_entity_name(entity_name, entity_search_type='B'):
    return query({
        'ctl00$MainContent$txtEntityName': entity_name,
        'ctl00$MainContent$ddBeginsWithEntityName': entity_search_type,

result = search_by_entity_name('google')

The above code is put in a script named I got the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 39, in
result = search_by_entity_name('google')
File "", line 36, in search_by_entity_name
'ctl00$MainContent$ddBeginsWithEntityName': entity_search_type,
File "", line 21, in query
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update'

It seems to me that the search is not successful? Why?


  • You can inspect the page to find out all the fields need to be posted. There is a nice tutorial for Chrome DevTools. Other tools like FireBug on FireFox or DragonFly on Opera also do the work while I recommend DevTools.

    After you post a query. In the Network panel, you can see the form data which actually been sent. In this case:

    ctl00$MainContent$btnSearch:Search Corporations

    What I post is Begin with 'GO'. This site is build with WebForms, so there are these long __VIEWSTATE and __EVENTVALIDATION fields. We need send them as well.

    Now we are ready to make the query. First we need to get a blank form. The following code are written in Python 3.3, through I think they should still work on 2.x.

    import requests
    from lxml import etree
    URL = ''
    def get_fields():
        res = requests.get(URL)
        if res.ok:
            page = etree.HTML(res.text)
            fields = page.xpath('//form[@id="Form1"]//input')
            return { e.attrib['name']: e.attrib.get('value', '') for e in fields }

    With get_fields(), we fetched all <input>s from the form. Note there are also <select>s, I will just hardcode them.

    def query(data):
        formdata = get_fields()
        }) # Hardcode some <select> value
        res =, formdata)
        if res.ok:
            page = etree.HTML(res.text)
            return page.xpath('//table[@id="MainContent_SearchControl_grdSearchResultsEntity"]//tr')

    Now we have a generic query function, lets make a wrapper for specific ones.

    def search_by_entity_name(entity_name, entity_search_type='B'):
        return query({
            'ctl00$MainContent$txtEntityName': entity_name,
            'ctl00$MainContent$ddBeginsWithEntityName': entity_search_type,

    This specific example site use a group of <radio> to determine which fields to be used, so 'ctl00$MainContent$CorpSearch':'rdoByEntityName' here is necessary. And you can make others like search_by_individual_name etc. by yourself.

    Sometimes, website need more information to verify the query. By then you could add some custom headers like Origin, Referer, User-Agent to mimic a browser.

    And if the website is using JavaScript to generate forms, you need more than requests. PhantomJS is a good tool to make browser scripts. If you want do this in Python, you can use PyQt with qtwebkit.

    Update: It seems the website blocked our Python script to access it after yesterday. So we have to feign as a browser. As I mentioned above, we can add a custom header. Let's first add a User-Agent field to header see what happend.

    res = requests.get(URL, headers={
        'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36',

    And now... res.ok returns True!

    So we just need to add this header in both call res = requests.get(URL) in get_fields() and res =, formdata) in query(). Just in case, add 'Referer':URL to the headers of the latter:

    res =, formdata, headers={
        'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36',