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How do I create an empty file in emacs?

How can I create an empty file from emacs, ideally from within a dired buffer?

For example, I've just opened a Python module in dired mode, created a new directory, opened that in dired, and now need to add an empty file in the directory.

If I use C-x C-f RET C-x C-s then emacs doesn't create the file because no changes have been made to it. I would have to type in the file, save it, delete my typing and then save it again for that to work.



  • Here's an adaptation of dired-create-directory. It works the same way, so as well as a plain filename, you can also specify new parent directories (to be created under the current directory) for the file (e.g. foo/bar/filename).

    (eval-after-load 'dired
         (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-c n") 'my-dired-create-file)
         (defun my-dired-create-file (file)
           "Create a file called FILE.
    If FILE already exists, signal an error."
            (list (read-file-name "Create file: " (dired-current-directory))))
           (let* ((expanded (expand-file-name file))
                  (try expanded)
                  (dir (directory-file-name (file-name-directory expanded)))
             (if (file-exists-p expanded)
                 (error "Cannot create file %s: file exists" expanded))
             ;; Find the topmost nonexistent parent dir (variable `new')
             (while (and try (not (file-exists-p try)) (not (equal new try)))
               (setq new try
                     try (directory-file-name (file-name-directory try))))
             (when (not (file-exists-p dir))
               (make-directory dir t))
             (write-region "" nil expanded t)
             (when new
               (dired-add-file new)