I'm using the grunt Uglify plugin to minify the JS files.
The issue I'm having, is that I would like to keep the src directory structure in the dest directory as well.
**src dir:**
|- app1
|- randomFile.js
|- scripts
|- file1.js
|- file2.js
|- libs
|- file3.js
|- file4.js
**destination dir:**
|- app1
|- randomFile-min.js
|- scripts
|- file1-min.js
|- file2-min.js
|- libs
|- file3-min.js
|- file4-min.js
the -min
portion is is just a nice to have (could live with out that), but I'm really struggling to figure out how to preseve the directory structure.
disregard, I found an answer in a different post: how to config grunt.js to minify files separately
turns out my grunt-fu is just weak ;-)