I have the following line of code:
uint32_t address = 0x40000000U;
This gives the following 3 PC-Lint errors when using the au-misra2.lnt
configuration file:
"*** LINT: "D:\_SVN\LPC1788-32 Dev Kit\Bootloader--4\Loadware\source\led.c"(7, 35) Note 960: Violates MISRA 2004 Required Rule 10.1, Implicit conversion of integer to smaller type"
"*** LINT: "D:\_SVN\LPC1788-32 Dev Kit\Bootloader--4\Loadware\source\led.c"(7, 35) Info 712: Loss of precision (initialization) (unsigned long to unsigned int)"
"*** LINT: "D:\_SVN\LPC1788-32 Dev Kit\Bootloader--4\Loadware\source\led.c"(7, 35) Warning 569: Loss of information (initialization) (31 bits to 16 bits)"
Changing to:
uint32_t address = (uint32_t)0x40000000U;
Results in a value of 0 being assigned.
Why would this be happening? It is for a 32 bit Cortex-M3 processor so this should be assigning an unsigned int.. to an unsigned int - I cannot understand why it is not acceptable.
Does anyone have any ideas?
It seems that PC-Lint is configured such that sizeof(int) equals 2. You can specify the sizeof(int) to PC-Lint with the -si# option. For example, use -si4 to specify that an int is 4 bytes.
Also, ensure that PC-Lint is using the proper include path and including the proper version of std_int.h.