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adb devices empty list

I have problem with installing android development environment. I do following:

1) I installed the openjdk

2) download eclipse and sdk from site

3) type lsusb in shell and know vendor id: 10d6:0c02

4) create 51-android.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d folder:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0c02", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

5) and i edit the adb_usb.ini file, i add the 0x0c02 string

6) I enable debugging on my device

6) i run adb kill-server and adb start server and run adb devices and i get empty list

What is wrong? My pc is HP Envy 4 1055er and ubuntu 13.04 os. Please help me.


  • you're confusing the ProductId with the VendorID. Try adding 0x10d6 to the files instead of 0x0c02