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How to install lessphp to be used in the assetic framework?

I cannot find a way to add the lessphp files to my project so that assetic finds them. I do not wish to add extra require sentences to the assetic files or modify them in any way so future updates are easily made.

I get this error:

Fatal error: Class 'lessc' not found in ....../kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/LessphpFilter.php on line 87

The code on that line is the lessc intantiation:

  $lc = new \lessc();

Note: I cannot use Composer to install it since Composer brings some issues to my project.


  • Assetic will not import for you. You have to do it manually.

    I assume you are using Assetic standalone in your application, you should be doing something like this:

    use Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection;
    use Assetic\Asset\FileAsset;
    use Assetic\Filter\LessphpFilter;
    require "path/to/"; // You should include it yourself
    $css = new AssetCollection(array(
        new FileAsset('/path/to/src/styles.less', array(new LessphpFilter())),
    echo $css->dump();

    But for that causalities that you are using Symfony2, you should configure lessphp filter in your app/config/config.yml like this:

        debug:          %kernel.debug%
        use_controller: false
        bundles:        []
           cssrewrite: ~
               file: "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/leafo/lessphp/"
               apply_to: "\.less$"

    Let me know.