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Setting up Gitosis : push goes okay, but nothing really pushed on the server

I'm going to work on a project with a teammate, so we decided to set up a Git server. We followed this tutorial :

We created a gitrepo/ directory locally on my computer, and did a git init inside it. Then, we created a index.html file, git add index.html and git commit -m "First commit.".

We configured the remote server with git remote add origin git@SERVER:gitrepo.git, SERVER being our server. The git user seems to be ok so far, SSH keys too.

Output of git push origin master (SERVER replaced) :

Counting objects: 5, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 255 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@SERVER:gitrepo.git
   bf6c7a0..283eb49  master -> master

Seems to be okay too, but when I do a ls /home/git/repositories/gitrepo.git/branches, there is nothing. I should have a masterdirectory, with index.html in it, right ?

Something is wrong but I can't figure out what.


  • As gitosis uses bare repos, the answer is "No". No branches, no files, no-thing wrong.

    You can read about bare repos here:

    You can test that it indeed worked by cloning the remote repo at another location/pull from it.