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Is getting the General ID same as getting FormattedID in rally?

I am trying to get the ID under "General" from a feature item in rally. This is my query:

body = { "find" => {"_ProjectHierarchy" => projectID, "_TypeHierarchy" => "PortfolioItem/Feature" }, "fields" => ["FormattedID","Name","State","Release","_ItemHierarchy","_TypeHierarchy","Tags"], "hydrate" => ["_ItemHierarchy","_TypeHierarchy","Tags"], "fetch"=>true }

I am not able to get any value for FormattedID, I tried using "_UnformattedID" but it pulls up an entirely different value than the FormattedID. Any help would be appreciated.


  • LBAPI does not have FormattedID field. You are correct using _UnformattedID. It is the FormattedID without the prefix. For example, this query:{"_ProjectHierarchy":2222,"_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature","State":"Developing",_ValidFrom: {$gte: "2013-06-01TZ",$lt: "2013-09-01TZ"}},sort:{_ValidFrom:-1}}&fields=["_UnformattedID","Name","State"]&hydrate=["State"]&compress=true&pagesize:200

    shows _UnformattedID that correspond to FormattedID as this screenshot shows:

    enter image description here

    I noticed your are using fields and fetch . Per LBAPI's documentation, it uses fields rather than fetch. If you want to get all fields, use fields=true

    As far as the missing custom fields, make sure that the custom field value was set within the dates of the query.

    Compare these almost identical queries: the first query does not return a custom field, the second query does.

    Query #1:{"_ProjectHierarchy":2222,"_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature","State":"Developing",_ValidFrom: {$gte: "2013-06-01TZ",$lt: "2013-09-01TZ"}}}&fields=["_UnformattedID","Name","State","c_PiCustomField"]&hydrate=["State","c_PiCustomField"]

    Query #2:{"_ProjectHierarchy":2222,"_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature","State":"Developing",__At: "current"}&fields=["_UnformattedID","Name","State","c_PiCustomField"]&hydrate=["State","c_PiCustomField"]

    The first query uses time period: _ValidFrom: {$gte: "2013-06-01TZ",$lt: "2013-09-01TZ"}

    The second query uses __At: "current"

    Let's say I just create a new custom field on PortfolioItem. It is not possible to create a custom field on PorfolioItem/Feature, so the field is created on PI, but both queries still use "_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature".

    After I created this custom field, called PiCustomField, I set a value of that field for a specific Feature, F4.

    The first query does not have a single snapshot that includes that field because that field did not exist in the time period we lookback. We can't change the past.

    The second query returns this field for F4. It does not return it for other Features because all other Features do not have this field set.

    Here is the screenshot:

    enter image description here