I've been searching all around Stackoverflow and YII forums, there are many answers, which didn't help me...
This is my case.
I have controller called: proj and an action called view. It gets: id(int), name(string).
The desired name gets sometimes with special chars such as: [+,!#$%^&*-]
So when I'm running createUrl() function it returns me not so friendly url.
For example: http://www.qa-mysite.com/proj/1029/Conservation+of+the+Vermont+Salt+Pan+System%2C+Hermanus%2C+South+Africa.
id = 1029 name = Conservation of the Vermont SaltPan System, Hermanus, South Africa.
I want the result to be: http://www.qa-mysite.com/proj/1029/conservation-of-the-vermont-salt-pan-system-hermanus-south-Africa
So actually i need to strip the special chars and change the delimiter between spaces to "-" instead of "+".
My current configurations of the curlManager are:
'appendParams' => true,
//array('proj/view/<name:\w+>', 'pattern'=>'proj/<id:\d+>'),
'proj/<id:\d+>/<name:\w+>'=>array('proj/view', 'caseSensitive'=>false),
CreateUrl example:
$this->createUrl('proj/view', array('id' => $data->id, 'name' => $data->name));
After the urls will be changed I need to do 301 redirects of the old ones to the new-seo-friendly urls.
Note: I cannot do hardcoded str_replace.
Many thanks for any help :]
Create your own url manager by subclassing CUrlManager
and ovveride createUrl
a bit, in example:
class MyUrlManager extends CUrlManager {
public function createUrl($route,$params=array(),$ampersand='&') {
if($route == 'proj/view' && isset($params['name'])) {
$params['name'] = processYourParamFunction($params['name']);
return parent::createUrl($route,$params,$ampersand);
Then modify your config to use this class:
'urlManager' => [
'class' => 'MyUrlManager'
It is one of great Yii features, natural inversion of control:)
For second part of question:
In you view action simply redirect to new url with createurl if you detect unwanted characters . Just make sure you not hit redirect loop.
To redirect with 301 just pass redirect code a third param to redirect call:
$this->redirect('route', true, 301);
Side note:
Use cannonical to point search engines to proper url