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Cloning Sylius using composer

I am using Symfony 2.3.4

On my console i did composer create-project sylius/sylius --prefer-dist Everything downloaded smoothly until it came to installing sensio/distribution-bundle

Composer throw out this error message

The "
a2c803dc8db79952ad5e71783c16178427bbc02" file could not be downloaded (HTTP
/1.1 404 Not Found)

create-project [-s|--stability="..."] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--repos
itory-url="..."] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-plugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--n
o-scripts] [--no-progress] [--keep-vcs] [package] [directory] [version]

I tried :

  1. Editing sylius/composer.json and modify "sensio/distribution-bundle": "2.3." to "sensio/distribution-bundle": "2.2.-dev"

  2. Open a shell in C:\wamp\www\sylius. Rename app/config/parameters.yml.dist to parameters.yml, run php composer.phar update --prefer-dist, still having lots of errors about MongoDb

Is there any other way to install sylius? How can i fix this?

Thanks heaps


  • They fixed the issue! The problem was indeed with the Sylius build. Today i created a freshly installed Symfony2 onto my server, and did composer composer create-project sylius/sylius --prefer-dist

    Sensio/SensioDistributionBundle installed correctly.

    Steps to installed Sylius 1. composer create-project sylius/sylius --prefer-dist (this method download compressed file when available) or composer create-project -s dev sylius/sylius

    1. make sure to enable php_info extension
    2. create a database in php myadmin
    3. cd sylius and then php app/console sylius:install
    4. The last part of the installation will asked you for some parameters, the default option given works fine. Accustomed it to your config

    I spend 48 hours trying to install sylius finally things got better now. There is many issues with Sylius at the moment. Check Out And is really slow. I am still finding a way to speed things up. I took like 3 minutes to load when i clicked on Register.

    If you got issued like MongDB not found, or any bundle not found, then surely there is a problem with the way you are trying to install Sylius. And Please at the moment do not cd sylius and composer update, it won't worked. I got told that they rearranged the bundle. You can find more detailed Click here! Please feel free to edit this post if you feel that there is something that i haven't talked about for sylius installation. Thanks to Sylius Contributors!