What is the best method to code physical address in html ? in Semantic, Accessible and SEO way
Use a Microformats vCard
<div class="vcard">
<span class="fn">Gregory Peck</span>
<a class="org url" href="http://www.commerce.net/">CommerceNet</a>
<div class="adr">
<span class="type">Work</span>:
<div class="street-address">169 University Avenue</div>
<span class="locality">Palo Alto</span>,
<abbr class="region" title="California">CA</abbr>
<span class="postal-code">94301</span>
<div class="country-name">USA</div>
<div class="tel">
<span class="type">Work</span> +1-650-289-4040
<div class="tel">
<span class="type">Fax</span> +1-650-289-4041
<span class="email">[email protected]</span>
Accesible: √
Semantic: I guess..
SEO: √ Google announces support for microformats
More examples at http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard-examples
Also check out the Oomph Microformats toolkit that helps you displaying and consuming microformats.