Is there another way to concatenate in ABAP instead of using the CONCATENATE
An example using CONCATENATE
foo TYPE string,
bar TYPE string,
foobar TYPE string.
foo = 'foo'.
bar = 'bar'.
CONCATENATE foo 'and' bar INTO foobar SEPARATED BY space.
You can (starting with ABAP 7.02) use &&
to concatenate two strings.
foo TYPE string,
bar TYPE string,
foobar TYPE string.
foo = 'foo'.
bar = 'bar'.
foobar = foo && bar.
This also works with character literals:
foobar = 'foo' && 'bar'.
For preserving spaces, use this kind of character literal named "text string literal" which is defined with two grave accents (U+0060):
foobar = foo && ` and ` && bar