I know that there are many of such threads, but no one tells me completly what to do. I'm writing C# .Net 4.0 Application in Windows Forms and I need to compile it as Release that should working on other computers with installed Full .Net Framework 4.0 only and it should be portable - without installer. On PC's with installed Visual Studio (currently I'm using 2012 Pro) exe runs without problems, but on others without VS it lacks for dll's. The problem is to locate which dll's are needed to copy (app just crashes, without error message and Windows tries to find solution). Is there somewhere a compile flag or something that could give me a list of used dll's or just copy them to Release folder?
On the project proporties I found Publish option which made me a setup of the project. There I found that others PC needs not only SQLCe installed but visualbasic packs, don't know why, but they were needed. After installing both of those installer everything started to working fine on any other PC. Thank you all for helping.