I have a buildbot 0.8.6p1 configured. There is one master and one slave, so far. It is possible to configure several slaves:
c['slaves'] = [
BuildSlave("eng-hwsim-n1", "123")
BuildSlave("eng-hwsim-n2", "123")
It is also possible to add slave
or slaves
to the array of builders:
slavenames=["eng-hwsim-n1", "eng-hwsim-n2"],
In this case, will buildbot run the same builder on all slaves or one of the slaves? Is there a way to configure buildbot to run a builder on one of the slaves, whichever is available/least loaded/etc?
Thanks so much.
The builder will only build with one slave from the pool of slaves. If I understand correctly, this is the behavior you desire.