I have a prototype function. I would like to wrap it around function tag and then call it from a button in a cfform. Is it possible to do it? and how would I do it?
I tried this, but I got an error said the array is not defined. All Helps are appreciated.
<cfscript >
function calculateTotal(){
var Price = Array();
var Quantity = Array();
$$('.x-grid3-col-PRICE').each(function(el){Price[Price.length] = el.innerHTML; });
$$('.x-grid3-col-QUANTITY').each(function(el){Quantity[Quantity.length] = parseInt(el.innerHTML); });
var Totals = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < Price.length; ++index) {
if (!isNaN(Price[index]) && !isNaN(Quantity[index]))
Totals = Totals + (Price[index] * Quantity[index]);
$('total').value = Totals;
return true;
<cfinput type="Button" name="submit" value="Calculate Order" onclick="#calculateTotal()#">
<cfinput type="Text" name="total" disabled="true" label="Total $" size="5">
So After reading the article of Adam Cameron, I found a way to work the problem. Instead of wrapping the function in a <cfscript>
tag, I wrapped it with <cfsavecontent>
. Just in case someone out there looking for same question, here is how I did it.
Basically, I put the javascript function code in the cfsavecontent
tag with a variable, so when the server talk to CMFL, it only passes on the variable "calculatetotal" in the compilation.
<cfsavecontent variable="calculateTotal">
var Price = Array();
var Quantity = Array();
$$('.x-grid3-col-PRICE').each(function(el){Price[Price.length] = el.innerHTML; });
$$('.x-grid3-col-QUANTITY').each(function(el){Quantity[Quantity.length] = parseInt(el.innerHTML); });
var Totals = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < Price.length; ++index) {
if (!isNaN(Price[index]) && !isNaN(Quantity[index]))
Totals = Totals + (Price[index] * Quantity[index]);
$('total').value = Totals;
return true;
<cfform name="display" format="html">
<cfgrid name= "cart" query="getdtls" selectmode="edit" width="580" format="html">
<cfgridcolumn name="chargename" header="Charge Type" dataalign="right" select="No" >
<cfgridcolumn name="price" header="price"type="numeric" dataalign="right" select="No" >
<cfgridcolumn name="quantity" header="Quantity" type="numeric" dataalign="right" >
<cfinput type="Button" name="calculateBtn" value="Calculate Order" onclick="#calculateTotal#">
<cfinput type="Text" name="total" disabled="true" label="Total $" size="5">