So I have a function that I pass Func call back to. I would also like to add some sort of selection projection to be able to do the projection on the object, meaning I would only perform one database call. The function looks something like this:
public T Get<T>(string id, Func<T> getItemCallback) where T : class
item = getItemCallback();
if (item != null)
// Here I would like to call something else that is
// expecting a specific type. Is there way to pass in a
// dynamic selector?
doSomethingElse(item.Select(x => new CustomType { id =, name = }).ToList());
return item;
void doSomethingElse(List<CustomType> custom)
Leme show how I cam currently calling this perhaps that will help:
public List<MyDataSet> GetData(string keywords, string id)
return _myObject.Get(
() => db.GetDataSet(keywords, id).ToList());
// Perhaps I could add another parameter here to
// handled the projection ????
Thanks to Reed I figured it out...would look like this:
public T Get<T>(string id, Func<T> getItemCallback, Func<T, List<CustomType>> selector) where T : class
item = getItemCallback();
if (item != null)
var custom = selector(item);
if (custom != null)
return item;
And The call looks like:
public List<MyDataSet> GetData(string keywords, string id)
return _myObject.Get(
() => db.GetDataSet(keywords, id).ToList(),
x => x.Select(d => new CustomType { id = d.ReferenceId, name = d.Name })
You would need to also pass in a conversion function:
public T Get<T>(string id, Func<T> getItemCallback, Func<T, List<CustomType>> conversion) where T : class
item = getItemCallback();
if (item != null)
if (conversion != null)
return item;