I am new to C but I am currently working on a C program which I am having an issue with relating to structures and memory allocation.
What I have in my code is a permanent while loop which will break out of when a certain condition is met. Within this while loop it checks the database and has a while loop to loop round the MySQL rows.
When the program first loads, it creates 3 structures, one of the structures also containing a linked list and initialised to be a size of 100.
As my program loops through the MySQL rows it checks whether 100 records have been added, and if so, then does a realloc to increase the size by another 100 rows. When I have looped through all of the MySQL rows it then returns to main while loop (the never ending loop) and NULL's the structures and then initialises them again to be 100 rows and starts all over again.
The problem I am having, is once it does the first complete loop through all of the mysql rows and returns to the main never ending loop and the structures are reinitialised back to be a size of 100, on the 17th row my program segfaults. When I inspect everything in GDB the structure at index 17 comes up saying that the certain elements within the structure are out of bounds.
Below is the definition for the structure I am having the issue with.
typedef struct CallLogSearchDataStruct
char * date;
char * time;
char * bParty;
char * aParty;
float duration;
char * cleardownCause;
struct CallLogSearchOutboundStruct * outboundLegs;
} callLogSearchDataStruct;
Below is how the structure initially get set up when the program first runs
callLogSearchData = calloc(INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE,sizeof(callLogSearchDataStruct));
callLogSearch = calloc(INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE,sizeof(callLogSearchResultStruct));
switches = calloc(INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE, sizeof(switchIDStructure));
is equal to 100
Below is the code for how the reallocateStructures function is called. This reallocates the structures by adding another 100 in size to the original size.
if (reallocateStructures(&callLogSearch, &callLogSearchData, &switches, ×StructHasBeenReallocated, currentStructIndexValue, dataRow) == 0)
//Structures have been reallocated so reset the index
currentStructIndexValue = 0;
Below is the actual code for the reallocating of the structures
int reallocateStructures(callLogSearchResultStruct **callLogSearch, callLogSearchDataStruct ** callLogSearchData,
switchIDStructure ** switches, int *timesStructHasBeenReallocated, int currentStructIndexValue,
int dataRow)
int currentSize = 0;
int newSize = 0;
int initFromIndex = 0;
callLogSearchResultStruct * callLogSearchTemp;
callLogSearchDataStruct * callLogSearchDataTemp;
switchIDStructure * switchesTemp;
printf("Current Struct Index Value: %i\n", currentStructIndexValue);
if (currentStructIndexValue >= INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE) {
currentSize = currentStructIndexValue * *timesStructHasBeenReallocated;
newSize = currentSize + INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE;
*timesStructHasBeenReallocated = *timesStructHasBeenReallocated + 1;
callLogSearchTemp= (callLogSearchResultStruct*)realloc(*callLogSearch, (newSize * sizeof(callLogSearchResultStruct)));
callLogSearchDataTemp = (callLogSearchDataStruct*)realloc(*callLogSearchData, (newSize * sizeof(callLogSearchDataStruct)));
switchesTemp = (switchIDStructure*)realloc(*switches, (newSize * sizeof(switchIDStructure)));
/**callLogSearchData = realloc(*callLogSearchData, newSize * sizeof (callLogSearchDataStruct));
*callLogSearch = realloc(*callLogSearch, newSize * sizeof (callLogSearchResultStruct));
*switches = realloc(*switches, newSize * sizeof (switchIDStructure));
for (initFromIndex = currentSize; initFromIndex < newSize; initFromIndex++) {
callLogSearchDataTemp[initFromIndex].aParty = NULL;
callLogSearchDataTemp[initFromIndex].bParty = NULL;
callLogSearchDataTemp[initFromIndex].cleardownCause = NULL;
callLogSearchDataTemp[initFromIndex].date = NULL;
callLogSearchDataTemp[initFromIndex].duration = 0;
callLogSearchDataTemp[initFromIndex].outboundLegs = NULL;
callLogSearchDataTemp[initFromIndex].time = NULL;
callLogSearchTemp[initFromIndex].date = NULL;
callLogSearchTemp[initFromIndex].dRowIndex = dataRow;
switchesTemp[initFromIndex].switchID = NULL;
if (initFromIndex == newSize - 1)
printf("debugging here\n");
*callLogSearch = callLogSearchTemp;
*callLogSearchData = callLogSearchDataTemp;
*switches = switchesTemp;
return 0;
return 1;
Below is the code where after it has looped through all of the MySQL rows the structures are then reset and re-initialised to be a size of 100.
//Check if function has looped round already and if so reset all structures
if (dataRow > -1)
callLogSearchData = NULL;
callLogSearch = NULL;
switches = NULL;
callLogSearchData = realloc(callLogSearchData, INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE*sizeof(callLogSearchDataStruct));
callLogSearch = realloc(callLogSearch, INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE*sizeof(callLogSearchResultStruct));
switches = realloc(switches, INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE*sizeof(switchIDStructure));
//initialiseNewStructure(&callLogSearch, &callLogSearchData, &switches);
//callLogSearchData = (callLogSearchDataStruct*)realloc(callLogSearchData, INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE*sizeof(callLogSearchDataStruct));
//callLogSearch = (callLogSearchResultStruct*)realloc(callLogSearch, INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE*sizeof(callLogSearchResultStruct));
//switches = (switchIDStructure*)realloc(switches, INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE*sizeof(switchIDStructure));
//Initialise all elements within structures
for (initFromIndex = INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE; initFromIndex < INITIAL_CALL_STRUCT_SIZE; initFromIndex++)
callLogSearchData[initFromIndex].aParty = NULL;
callLogSearchData[initFromIndex].bParty = NULL;
callLogSearchData[initFromIndex].cleardownCause = NULL;
callLogSearchData[initFromIndex].date = NULL;
callLogSearchData[initFromIndex].duration = 0;
callLogSearchData[initFromIndex].outboundLegs = NULL;
callLogSearchData[initFromIndex].time = NULL;
callLogSearch[initFromIndex].date = NULL;
callLogSearch[initFromIndex].dRowIndex = dataRow;
timesStructHasBeenReallocated = 1;
currentSize = 0;
currentStructIndexValue = 0;
I'm not sure why when it enters the if statement the first time to reset the structures back to a size of 100, after the 17 MySQL row the memory is then out of bounds so I segfault.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
UPDATE I have fixed the issue with the for loop as per @Rohan answer but I am now getting a slightly different issue.
I am now getting a different area when trying to add data to the structures but I am not sure if the structures are anything to do with it as it seems to be the MySQL array having an out of bounds issue now causing a seg fault.
The line where it is failing is
callLogSearchData[dataRow].bParty = strdup(rowReport[bPartyColIndex]);
When I inspect rowReport in GDB it seems to have garbage inside it and at the 7th index (bPartyColIndex
is at index 9) I start to see the out bounds error.
rowReport is assigned at each time the loop for each mysql row as shown in the code below
sqlLen = asprintf(&sql, "SELECT Tmp.SwitchID, Tmp.CorrelationID, SeizeUTC as Date, "
"SeizeUTC as Time, Direction, ACMToAns/100 as ACMToAns, Duration/100 as Duration, "
"CleardownCause, AParty, Tmp.BParty FROM TMP_Log AS Tmp ORDER BY SeizeUTC, "
"Tmp.SwitchID, Tmp.CorrelationID, Direction, SeizeCSec LIMIT %i, %i",
index, count);
SL_DebugAll(DBG_INFO, sql);
if ((mysql_real_query(HandleDB, sql, sqlLen))) return 1;
resultReport = mysql_store_result(HandleDB);
if (mysql_num_rows(resultReport) == 0 || index > atoi(limit))
SL_DebugAll(DBG_INFO, "Data retrieval for call log complete");
numRows = mysql_num_rows(resultReport);
swID = -1;
corrID = -1;
dataRow = -1;
if (numRows > 0)
maxTargets = 1;
audioRow = mysql_fetch_row(audioResult);
sspSwitchID = atoi(audioRow[switchIDColIndex]);
sspCorrID = atoi(audioRow[correlationIDColIndex]);
inbound_counter = 0;
while (rowReport = mysql_fetch_row(resultReport))
I've managed to find out what the issue, its a pretty basic mistake unfortunately.
Because of where the code was crashing, I thought it had to be something related to the way I was re-initialised the structure, maybe because of the way I was using pointers.
However, this was not the case instead, instead, somewhere else in the code I was adding some data to one of the structures using an index called fileRow
. Each time a value was added to the structure I incremented fileRow however I forgot to reset back to 0 when I realloced the structures, so when I realloced the structures to be of size 100, I was inserting into the structure of where fileRow was which was set to 1300 so each time I looped round I smashed up the memory until it segfaulted.
Thanks for your help and suggestions.