I'm fairly new to LINQ (and SQL at that). When trying to query my SQL Database in C# "Supervisors" (which contains only one column "Names" made of nvarchar(50)
variables, none of which are Null), supvName ends up being an empty list. If I don't cast it as a List, supvName
is of typeSystem.Data.EnumerableRowCollection<string>
if that helps.
public addNewEmp()
using (TestDataSet db = new TestDataSet())
var supvName = (from n in db.Supervisors
select n.Names).ToList();
foreach (string n in supvName)
Even when using a Where statement, that one result doesn't show up, so I'm sure it's something simple in my code that I just can't seem to figure out. I've already tried using AsEnumerable()
which didn't change anything.
EDIT: I'm doing this in VS 2010 WPF. Also when I Preview Data in TestDataSet.xsd, it does return the all the data in the Database.
Solution: The problem was when I used a DataSet. When I used a DataContext instead it worked perfectly fine. Thanks to your DataSet or DataContext question lazyberezovsky or I never would have tried that. Using the following works:
var supvName = db.Supervisors.Select(m => m.Names);
supv_cbox.ItemsSource = supvName;
Thanks Surjah Singh too.
When you are enumerating over DataTable with Linq to DataSet, you should call AsEnumerable()
on datatable and use Field<T>
extension to get column value:
var supvName = (from r in db.Supervisors.AsEnumerable()
select r.Field<string>("Names")).ToList();
BTW query variable r
will be of DataRow
Your code can be simplified to:
var names = db.Supervisors.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("Names"));
supv_cbox.DataSource = names.ToList();