What is the best way to process a large list of Domain Objects? For example, I have 'Users' and 'Book' domains, and there is a permission READ on Book object. When I'm adding a new Book, I'd like to set READ permission to all users for this Book. At first was a code:
def users = Users.findAll{ ... }
users.each { addPermission(book, it, READ) }
I'm using Spring Security Core and ACL plugin. But now, I think it is not best way to load 10000 Users Objects to memory. I gonna use the SCROLL method with maxResults(???) from Criteria. So my question is What the best way? How to determinate the best number of MaxResults?
A more of Grails way to do this would be to use the batch processing. Try the example given below: EDIT : Improved answer. Now, using pagination based batch processing.
def noOfObjectsTobeProcessedAtAtime=1000//Step or pagination size...
List offsetMaxMapList = (0..User.count()-1).step(noOfObjectsTobeProcessedAtAtime).collect{[max:noOfObjectsTobeProcessedAtAtime,offset:it]}
def addPermissionToUserInBatch(params){
def batch = []
def session
def users = Users.createCriteria().list(params){}
users.eachWithIndex { user, index ->
batch << user
if (batch.size() >= batchSize) {
User.withTransaction {
batch.each {User userObject ->
addPermission(book, userObject, READ)
} else if (batch.size() < batchSize && (users.size() - index - 1) == 0) {
User.withTransaction {
batch.each {User userObject ->
addPermission(book, userObject, READ)
session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
Hope that helps!!!