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Using loops to do Chi-Square Test in R

I am new to R. I found the following code for doing univariate logistic regression for a set of variables. What i would like to do is run chi square test for a list of variables against the dependent variable, similar to the logistic regression code below. I found couple of them which involve creating all possible combinations of the variables, but I can't get it to work. Ideally, I want the one of the variables (X) to be the same.

Chi Square Analysis using for loop in R


       function(var) {

         formula    <- as.formula(paste("status ~", var))
         res.logist <- glm(formula, data = icu, family = binomial)



  • Are you sure that the strings in the vector you lapply over are in the column names of the icu dataset?

    It works for me when I download the icu data:

    icu <- read.table('ICU.TXT', header=TRUE)

    and change status to STA which is a column in icu. Here an example for some of your variables:

    my.list <- lapply(c("Age","Sex","Race","Ser","Can"),         
           function(var) {
             formula    <- as.formula(paste("STA ~", var))
             res.logist <- glm(formula, data = icu, family = binomial)

    This gives me a list with summary.glm objects. Example:

    lapply(my.list, coefficients)
                   Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
    (Intercept) -3.05851323 0.69608124 -4.393903 1.113337e-05
    Age          0.02754261 0.01056416  2.607174 9.129303e-03
                  Estimate Std. Error    z value     Pr(>|z|)
    (Intercept) -1.4271164  0.2273030 -6.2784758 3.419081e-10
    Sex          0.1053605  0.3617088  0.2912855 7.708330e-01
                  Estimate Std. Error    z value   Pr(>|z|)
    (Intercept) -1.0500583  0.4983146 -2.1072198 0.03509853
    Race        -0.2913384  0.4108026 -0.7091933 0.47820450
                  Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
    (Intercept) -0.9465961  0.2310559 -4.096827 0.0000418852
    Ser         -0.9469461  0.3681954 -2.571858 0.0101154495
                     Estimate Std. Error       z value     Pr(>|z|)
    (Intercept) -1.386294e+00  0.1863390 -7.439638e+00 1.009615e-13
    Can          7.523358e-16  0.5892555  1.276756e-15 1.000000e+00

    If you want to do a chi-square test:

    my.list <- lapply(c("Age","Sex","Race","Ser","Can"),function(var)chisq.test(icu$STA, icu[,var]))

    or a chi-square test for all combinations of variables:

    my.list.all <- apply(combn(colnames(icu), 2), 2, function(x)chisq.test(icu[,x[1]], icu[,x[2]]))

    Does this work?