I am still working on a actionscript 3 color game. You have an object with a randomly generated color on the right. On the left you have another object and 3 buckets with the RGB colors. The objective is to remix the color of the right object with the 3 buckets and the left object. You carry one of the buckets over the left object. The longer the bucket is over the left object, the more of this offset is added to the object. As you now know, I am working with the red, green, and blueOffset. I now need the buckets to transform the object with CMY and not RGB. I roughly know how to convert RGB value to CMYK, but this doesn't help me when I need to use the RGB offsets to change the color of my object. I know that Actionscript 3 only has the RGB offsets and I dont know how I should solve this problem otherwise.
So my question is: Can you change the color of an movieclip in CMYK or without the ColorTransform? An idea would be very awesome.
English isn't my primary language, so sorry for mistakes...
I just found another real solution. If you give the coloroffset a negative value, the color gets transformed into cyan, magenta or yellow! I didn't think that it would be that easy, but it actually is. Now i just need to change my calculation so that it fits to negative stuff. But if you now mix all the buckets, the object gets black! Thats what I wanted and now im happy. The answer with the RGB to CMYK convertion is still very usefull! Thanks a lot.