I'm using TFS 2012 Power Tools and PowerShell to display work items containing change sets which modified source files below a given directory within the last 120 days. With lots of good help from StackOverflow I find the work items and display them like this:
PS> $items = Get-TfsItemHistory $/Somewhere -R -All -Version "D$((Get-Date).AddDays(-120).ToString('d'))~" | select ChangesetId -ExpandProperty WorkItems | Sort-Object -Unique Id
PS> $items | format-table
This comes out looking fairly good, for example, here's the start of an output:
Id State AssignedTo AreaPath Title
-- ----- ---------- -------- -----
32604 Closed Harald Han... Client\Domain\Nav Change to new address space
However, if I try to show just a subset of the fields, I can't get the AssignedTo field to display. This is OK:
PS> $items | format-table AreaPath, State
AreaPath State
-------- -----
KCS-Client\Domain\Nav Closed
But this is not:
PS > $items | format-table AssignedTo, State
AssignedTo State
---------- -----
I must have missed something trivial, but (as a relative newbie to both PowerShell and the TFS PowerTools) I don't see what it is. Can anybody help?
The property 'AssignedTo
' is a scriptproperty
evaluated at run time from the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerTools.PowerShell.format.ps1xml
powershell custom format file.
The value is taken from:
then I think (I can't test it because I don't have a TF Server source ) you need to do:
$items | format-table @{n="AssignedTo";e={$_.Fields[[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.CoreField]::AssignedTo].Value}} , State