I forked a GitHub project, modified some code, and used
$ git push origin master
to push the modification to my forked project. After that, in starting a pull request, GitHub said:
There isn't anything to compare.
is up to date with all commits fromVicoWu:master
. Try switching the base for your comparison.
Vico is my name. It seems that my push takes no effect. Why is this happening?
First, never do a pull request from master
It is a branch also used in the original repo, and it should be kept in sync with upstream/master
, upstream being a reference to said original repo.
You should create a dedicated branch for the evolution you want to promote as a pull request, and push that branch to origin (your fork).
See more with this "couple of tips for Pull Requests".
If GitHub doesn't see any difference, it could because you were in a different branch , or even in a DETACHED HEAD when you did your commits.