I know that I can declare a destructor =delete
or private
in order to prevent the program from implicitly deleting the object at the end of scope. I also know that if it's private, I can have a member function that can explicitly call the destructor whenever I call it: void kill() { this–>~A(); }
My questions are:
Why would I ever want to prevent implicit destruction? Please give an example
What would =delete
do? Does it make sure the destructor never runs? So the object will exist forever outside its scope?
Idioms like a private destructor are generally used to prevent other programmers from performing certain operations with your type. A private destructor in particular prevents the following:
Doing any of these will raise a compile error that is not trivial to work around. The error is usually a message from the author to a user that they should not perform one or all of these operations, instead the author may want them to:
Consider writing a type that manages a hardware interface, allowing the user to simply delete the instance might leave hardware in an undesirable state - so why even allow it? Yes, at some point the API can be built up to abstract away this difficulty - but at some basic level 'fragile' functionality needs to be exposed.
=delete is the 'new' bullet proof way of preventing user error. Unlike the private copy constructor it cannot be circumvented via the 'friend' keyword. It also tends to read better, in that it tells the user of the code in a consistent fashion that this feature is not available. My understanding is that =delete was introduced in c++11 as a replacement for the "no copy/no delete idioms".