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Can Grails route requests to different controller by *method*?

I have a URL that I'd like to handle with different controllers depending on the method. Is there a way to do this via UrlMappings?

Using two different mappings for the same URL doesn't work (the second overwrites the first)...


  • Untested, but can you try with the below mapping:

    "/myurl" {
        if(params.method == "doThis"){
            controller = "doThis"
            action = "doThisAction"
        } else if(params.method == "doThat"){
            controller = "doThat"
            action = "doThatAction"



    When referring to HTTP Methods you can use filter (where we have request available) as below:

    class RoutingFilters{
        def filters = {
            routingCheck(uri: '/myurl/**' ) {
                before = {
                    if(request.method == 'GET'){
                        redirect(controller: 'doThis', action: 'doThis')
                    if(request.method == 'POST'){
                        redirect(controller: 'doThat', action: 'doThat') 
                    //So on and so forth for PUT and DELET
                    return false

    provided the url mapping would look something like:

    //defaulting to "doThis" or any other "valid" controller as dummy
    "/myurl/$id?"(controller: 'doThis')