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Where to put monger connection in Compojure app for Heroku?

I created a compojure app using lein new compojure mongotest with lein 2.0, and a Procfile web: lein ring server-headless $PORT. This worked fine, but now when I add

(def mongolab-url (System/getenv "MONGOLAB_URI"))
(println "mongolab-url")
(println mongolab-url)
(mg/connect-via-uri! mongolab-url)

when I try git push heroku master Heroku eventually gives me

   Compiling mongotest.handler
   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException, compiling:(handler.clj:13:1)
    ... 25 more
   Compilation failed: Subprocess failed
   Error encountered performing task 'compile' with profile(s): 'production'
   Suppressed exit
!  Failed to build.
!  Push rejected, failed to compile Clojure (Leiningen 2) app

I added these lines at the top level of handler.clj. Some of the older documentation I see the connection is created in main, but that must have been for older versions of compojure, as there's no main anymore (that I've found) in the generated app. Where should the connection get established in the current version? (Or is my Procfile not right?)

(Yes, MONGOLAB_URI is defined in heroku config)


  • The answer that worked for me and seems most idiomatic is to put the above connection into a function init in that same file (myproject/handler.clj)

    (defn init[] (mg/connect-via-uri! (System/getenv "MONGOLAB_URI")))

    and update the project.clj file ring descriptor line from

    :ring {:handler myproject.handler/app}


    :ring {:handler myproject.handler/app :init myproject.handler/init}