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pyramid FileResponse encoding

I'm trying to serve base64 encoded image files and failing. Either I get UTF-8 encoded responses or the line return response errors in an interesting way. Mostly everything I've tried can be seen as commented out code in the excerpt below. Details of the traceback follow that.

My question is: How can I return base64 encoded files?

        #import base64
        #with open(sPath, "rb") as image_file:
            #encoded_string = base64.b64encode(
        dContentTypes = {
        'bmp'   : 'image/bmp',
        'cod'   : 'image/cis-cod',
        'git'   : 'image/gif',
        'ief'   : 'image/ief',
        'jpe'   : 'image/jpeg',
        sContentType = dContentTypes[sExt]
        response = FileResponse(
                            content_type= sContentType#+';base64',
                            #content_encoding = 'base_64'
                            #content_encoding = encoded_string
        return response

Uncommenting the line #content_encoding = encoded_string gives me the error:

 AssertionError: Header value b'/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAA' is not a string in ('Content-Encoding', b'/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAA....')


  • FileResponse is used specifically for uploading a file as a response (hence the path argument). In you're case you want to base64-encode the file before uploading it. This means no FileResponse.

    Since you've read the file into memory you can just upload the content in a Response.

    response = Response(encoded_string,

    I'm not actually sure how content_encoding compares to the ;base64 on the type, but I think the encoding is used more commonly for gzipped content. YMMV.