I have a action edit_multiple
which takes a list of id's a such:
def edit_multiple
@products = Product.find(params[:product_ids])
and a routes.rb:
resources: products do
collection do
post :edit_multiple
and a collection of products in a products
variable in a view which I want to pass as the arguments to a path in a link_to
something like:
<%= link_to edit_multiple_products_path(:product_ids => products), :method => :post do %>
update products
<% end %>
when I click the link i get the error:
Couldn't find Product with id=#<ActiveRecord::Relation::ActiveRecord_Relation_Product:0x495c900>
Please note I'm using Rails 4
You could also change your view from:
<%= link_to edit_multiple_products_path(:product_ids => products), :method => :post do %>
update products
<% end %>
<%= link_to edit_multiple_products_path(:product_ids => products.map(&:id)), :method => :post do %>
update products
<% end %>
and you will get an products ids array..