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Teaching and making programming exciting to the novice

I wanted to teach programming to a complete novice ( somebody who has a bachelor's degree in arts but never into programming).

I tried to introduce python but the response was something like, " Okay, it prints 1,2,3,.....or yes, it does fibonacci series but what is a use, I can do it easily, or my calculator does it, how is it useful". I tried to sell the grand idea with saying that, "Hey, you see the MS Office you use, it uses the same concept." but it did not work. Simply speaking, I could not create or show anything to appeal the novice into getting interested in programming. I showed the GUI I created using wxpython but was horrified to see that the code I wrote gave the novice nothing but horror.

Can anybody suggest a programming teaching approach or something related to programming or even some easy code that will make the novice believe that programming is cool, easy and fun to learn?


  • Well, unless you're a natural born math-head, recurring patterns of numbers aren't cool.

    There's a reason why the canonical thing to start children off with is either turtle graphics, or games programming: it's at least vaguely concrete, and it is open-ended.

    Other things people like to make are websites. Some kind of widget-based website framework might appeal.