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Communication Between Two View Controllers inside UISplitViewController

I am having a hard time communicating data between two view controllers that are inside a UISplitViewController. I am following this tutorial. I was able to create a split view controller with UITableViews on both master and detail views. Now, What I really want is that when I tap on a particular row in the master table, it has to send some value to the detail view.

I am just playing around with a custom delegate to pass some value from one view controller to another to see if there is any communication between them but nothing seems to work any way.

In MasterTableView.h

@protocol sendingProtocol <NSObject>

-(void)passSomeValue:(NSString *)someValue;


@interface MasterTableView : UITableViewController
    NSArray *menuArray;

@property (nonatomic,assign) id<sendingProtocol>mydelegate;


Synthesized in .m file.

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    [[self mydelegate] passSomeValue:@"Some Value"];

In DetailTableView.h

-(void)passSomeValue:(NSString *)someValue
    NSLog(@"%@", someValue);

Please note that I am calling the mydelegate inside the ViewDidLoad method. Is this the write way? Can someone help?

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    MasterTableView *masterView = [[MasterTableView alloc] init];
    masterView.mydelegate = self;

Thank you in advance!


  • In viewDidLoad method of your DetailTableView you should not create a new MasterTableView object. The error is here in this method:

    - (void)viewDidLoad
        [super viewDidLoad];
        MasterTableView *masterView = [[MasterTableView alloc] init];
        masterView.mydelegate = self;

    You are creating another object of MasterTableView and setting its delegate to self and hence all the problem.

    To set the delegate of MasterTableView to DetailTableView, go to AppDelegate.h. You must have defined the MasterTableView and DetailTableView objetcs in AppDelegate.

     //Set the DetailTableView as the master's delegate.
    self.masterTableView.delegate = self.detailTabelView;