I can get value of a single selected cell with right click in wx.grid this way, when i right click on a cell, it prints value of that cell:
self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK , self.OnSelectCell, self.mygrid)
def OnSelectCell(self, event):
row = event.GetRow()
column = event.GetCol()
print self.mygrid.GetCellValue(row,column)
But I couldn't find out how to get all values in a selected range with right click, how can I do this?
It sounds like getting selected cells in the grid is actually more complicated than I thought. Fortunately, someone has already written up some code explaining it all here:
There are 3 ways of selecting cells in a grid, so there are 3 different ways of acquiring the selection.