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how to replace the while by a cursor?

I would like to replace the while loop below by cursor, I tried many example but I did not succeed up to now , can you help me on this please ?

set @tableboundary =( select count(*) as counts from @From_T)
 while @counter < @tableboundary
set @Enti = (select Entities from @From_T where id= @counter)
    Insert into @Temp_Tamale ( Entities) select  value FROM MarMo.dbo.udf_ParseInto(@Enti, ',', '', '')
    set @counter = @counter + 1 


  • Why would you want to use a cursor when you can use a single SQL statement?

    Insert into @Temp_Tamale (Entities)
        select value
        from @From_T t cross apply
             MarMo.dbo.udf_ParseInto(t.Entities, ',', '', '');