I want to create a vertexs that do not have duplicate property, e.g., name
I followed the page https://github.com/thinkaurelius/titan/wiki/Vertex-Centric-Indices
However, it does not work for me
gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([dom:'def.com'])
gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([dom:'def.com'])
Can I just have one vertext created for the same dom property?
Thanks in advance
You need to define your type as unique(BOTH)
. You can read more about types here.
gremlin> g = TitanFactory.open('/tmp/titan')
gremlin> g.makeType().name('dom').unique(BOTH).dataType(String.class).indexed(Vertex.class).makePropertyKey()
gremlin> g.commit()
gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([dom:'def.com'])
gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([dom:'def.com'])
The given value is already used as a property and the property key is defined as in-unique
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