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find instance by thread name java

I'm starting few threads in my Controller class. Before start each thread I want to check whether previously have I started MyClass run(). If I have started, then I need to find the instance of MyClass that is running. Because some other class also want to get done work from this same MyClass instance. (assume MyClass is running as a service. So it can have multiple requests coming in.)

Note that I have more than one MyClass instances running as threads. So I want to find the MyClass instance by Specific thread name(TH1 or TH2).

public class MyClass implements Runnable{
   public void run() { 

This is the class that start the threads.

public class Controller {
    private void threadStarter(int i) {
      MyClass  mclss;
      if (i==1) {

         mclss  = new MyClass();
         Thread   th     = new Thread(mclss , "TH1");

      } else {

         mclss  = new MyClass();
         Thread   th2    = new Thread(mclss , "TH2");



  • Java threads have an ID . Maybe you could leverage that. However, if my application depends on previous instance, if any, running, then I would have an identifier in MyClass itself and then use it . e.g.

    class MyClass implements Runnable {
    int id = -1;
    public synchronized int getId() {
     if(id == -1) {
     id = SomeSingleTon.getNextId();
     return id;
    public run() ...

    And then in controller class you could check the instance ids, currently running. Maybe you will need a collection to store all running instances of MyClass. Hope you get the idea.