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Remove file from a commit in Mercurial

I have a commit onto which I have amended some files. Some of these files that were part of the amend I do not want in this commit. Is there a way in Mercurial to remove certain files from the commit without losing the changes I have made to them? Thank you.


  1. Made some changes
  2. hg commit -m
  3. Made some more changes (some of these file accidentally amended)
  4. hg amend


  • Try out:

    hg forget somefile.txt
    hg commit --amend

    If the file was new (i.e. you had used hg add).

    If that file already existed try:

    cp somefile.txt somefile.txt.bak
    hg revert somefile.txt --rev .~1
    hg commit --amend

    Which is basically telling mercurial to revert the file (somefile.txt) back to the state it was one revision ago (--rev .~1).

    Just make sure to back up the file you are reverting before entering the command so that you do not lose your changes. I was under the impression mercurial does this automatically for you, but after testing it quickly I'm not so sure.