I'm attempting to install the PHP Zip extension in CentOS.
My server does not have external internet access, so I downloaded it myself from PECL: http://pecl.php.net/package/zip. I chose 1.10.2, the latest "stable" release, and transferred it to my server.
I ran:
pear install zip-1.10.2.tgz
and added
to php.ini as instructed. I can see that zip.so was created and placed in the right extension_dir folder as well. I restarted apache and then checked to see if it was loaded by running:
php -m
Despite all of this, "zip" is still not in that list.
Am I missing a step or doing something wrong? I thought this should be really simple, and I'm starting to feel pretty dumb, haha.
Other probably important stuff:
CentOS Apache 2.2.3 PHP 5.2.16
You may have several php.ini
files, one for CLI and one for apache. Run php --ini
to see where the CLI ini location is.