I have a table in DB:
I use Repeater Control in ASP to show all the notices in DB, like:
|title1 (readmore)|
|title2 (readmore)|
|title3 (readmore)|
All I want is: I read a "title"
then I clicked on (readmore)
, the new page will be opened ( show detail's notice) with the "content" of that notice. How can I assign the num
of notice without display it to define the notice in next page?
I just assign the title to property Text of a Label ID="TITLE"
because I want to show the title of each notice.
All information I want to show in the this page is: title
and the readmore
( link to the next page). So that I don't know how to assign the num
My asp page: notice.asp
<asp:Repeater ID="RepDetails" runat="server" >
<table style=" width:565px" cellpadding="0" class="borber">
<asp:Label ID="Title" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("TITLE") %>' />
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" > (readmord)</asp:HyperLink>
My C# code:notice.asp.cs
private void BindRepeaterData()
string sql = "select num,title from NOTICE";
DataTable ds = l.EXECUTEQUERYSQL(sql);
RepDetails.DataSource = ds;
And the next page: detailnotice.asp.cs
private void GetNotice()
string sql = "select * from NOTICE where num=" ;// num= the num of notice I choose in notice.asp page.
How can I assign a num in Label without display it? What property of Label Control or I should use a other Control ?
Hope you understand what I say. If you don't, please ask?
hi you can ues anchor tag in place of hyper link button. you can pass num in the query string to the detail page.
<a href='detailpage.aspx?id=<%#Eval("NUM") %>'> (readmord)</a>
On details page you can get query string value and fetch details from database.
int myKey = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]))
myKey = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]);
// Use myKey to retrieve record from database