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is it possible to use a $q promise in a service's dependencies to force the service to wait until the promise is loaded?

I'd like to be able to build a User service that depends on a utility library (that contains a logger and lodash). The code I have seems very close:

  angular.module("").service "utilService", ($window, $q) ->
    console.log 'loading util service'
    util = ->
      deferred = $q.defer()
      require(["cdn-lodash"], (lodash) =>
        console.log 'deferred resolve'
        # I plan on using a more complex logger down the road, so it'd probably be
        # in another require
        deferred.resolve(lib: lodash, logger: $window.logger if $window.logger?)

    util: util

  angular.module("").service "userService", ['$http','utilService', 
  ($http, util) ->
    @get = (id, onError, onSuccess) ->
      throw 'no id supplied' unless id?
      util.logger.debug 'getting user for id' + id
        .success (users) ->
          util.logger.debug 'loaded users'
        .error onError

The problem is that the the userService doesn't wait for the Promise to resolve before it fires off the get method -- things aren't happening in the order that I want. I thought about wrapping the @get method in a require, but that seems clunky and a poor case of reuse.

How can I get userService to wait for utilService to finish its promise before building itself?


  • If you userService wants to "wait" on the promise, it should call the "then" method of the promise. It does not look like that is currently happening.