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morris.js dashed grid lines

I am trying to customize the grid lines for morris.js to have a dashed style similiar to the revenue graph in, Is this even possible? It seems that the documentation is not very complete, gridLineColor is not listed as an option yet it does change the color when I add it to my graph. Morris.js seemed to be highly recommended but I cant seem to adjust simple things like this.

I would also like to have each grid line the same weight and not have the center line emphasized while the others lighter. I cant seem to find anything in the documentation for that either.

Thanks for any help!


  • There doesn't seem to be an option yet for this in morris.js but I was able to edit the uncompressed morris.js file to add an option for dashed grid lines. Simply add .attr('stroke-dasharray', this.options.gridDashed) to the end of line 508. You can then add the option gridDashed: '--' to the graphs you would like dashed grid lines on!