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How do I detect functions that I can apply tail call optimisation to?

I'm trying to write a Scheme interpreter, but finding TCO difficult to implement. I'm not sure what properties a function must have in order for TCO to kick in.

1) A function with a self-recursive call at the end of the definition:

(define (sum-list list accum)
  (if (null list) accum
      (sum-list (cdr list) (+ accum 1))))

2) A function with a self-recursive call that isn't at the end of the definition:

(define (sum-list list accum)
  (cond ((not (null list))
         (sum-list (cdr list) (+ accum 1)))
        (else accum)))

3) A function that stores the recursive call in a variable before returning it:

(define (sum-list list accum)
  (let ((sum
         (if (null list)
             (sum-list (cdr list (+ accum 1))))))

4) Mutually recursive functions:

(define (sum-list list accum)
  (if (null list)
      (other-function (cdr list) (+ accum 1))))

(define (other-function list accum)
  (sum-list list accum))

5) Simply calling another unrelated function at the end of the function definition:

(define (foo)

6) The trickiest case I can think of is closures. What if I hold on to a reference to a variable in scope?

(define (sum-list list accum ignored)
  (let ((local-var 12345))
    (if (null list)
         (cdr list)
         (+ accum 1)
         (lambda () local-var)))))

7) Calling another function at the end of the function definition, with a self-recursive call as an argument:

(define (sum-list list)
  (if (null list)
      (+ 1 (sum-list (cdr list)))))

As I understand it, TCO implementations (in both Scheme and Common Lisp) rewrite TCO-friendly functions, so they must be able to statically detect TCO-friendly functions.

What I'd like to know is:

  • Which of these functions would be rewritten by TCO, and why only those?
  • Are the circumstances (e.g. 7) where the TCO rewriting occurs, but the function still consumes memory linearly?


  • Take a look at the Scheme specification, all the possible tail contexts are defined there. In particular, in R6RS (the current ratified standard) you should check section §11.20 Tail calls and tail contexts:

    A tail call is a procedure call that occurs in a tail context. Tail contexts are defined inductively. Note that a tail context is always determined with respect to a particular lambda expression.

    • The last expression within the body of a lambda expression, shown as <tail expression> below, occurs in a tail context.

      (lambda <formals>
        <expression>* <tail expression>)
    • If one of the following expressions is in a tail context, then the subexpressions shown as <tail expression> are in a tail context. These were derived from specifications of the syntax of the forms described in this chapter by replacing some occurrences of <expression> with <tail expression>. Only those rules that contain tail contexts are shown here.

      (if <expression> <tail expression> <tail expression>)
      (if <expression> <tail expression>)
      (cond <cond clause>+)
      (cond <cond clause>* (else <tail sequence>))
      (case <expression>
        <case clause>+)
      (case <expression>
        <case clause>*
        (else <tail sequence>))
      (and <expression>* <tail expression>)
      (or <expression>* <tail expression>)
      (let <bindings> <tail body>)
      (let <variable> <bindings> <tail body>)
      (let* <bindings> <tail body>)
      (letrec* <bindings> <tail body>)
      (letrec <bindings> <tail body>)
      (let-values <mv-bindings> <tail body>)
      (let*-values <mv-bindings> <tail body>)
      (let-syntax <bindings> <tail body>)
      (letrec-syntax <bindings> <tail body>)
      (begin <tail sequence>)

      A <cond clause> is (<test> <tail sequence>), a <case clause> is ((<datum>*) <tail sequence>), a <tail body> is <definition>* <tail sequence>, and a <tail sequence> is <expression>* <tail expression>.

    • If a cond expression is in a tail context, and has a clause of the form (<expression1> => <expression2>) then the (implied) call to the procedure that results from the evaluation of <expression2> is in a tail context. <Expression2> itself is not in a tail context.