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Can't use parameterized SQL Statements with Node.js and Postgres

I've been banging my head with this since last night. When I add parameters to the sql, it doesn't work.

var findOne = function(username, cb) {
    pg.connect(pgURL, function(err, client, done) {
        var query = client.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = $1', [username]);

        query.on('row', function(row) {
            cb(err, row);

However, if I do an SQL statement without parameterization it works just fine.

var query = client.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'foobar'");

Also, doing a console.log(query), right after done(), yields the following:

13:48:00 web.1  | { domain: null,
13:48:00 web.1  |   _events: null,
13:48:00 web.1  |   _maxListeners: 10,
13:48:00 web.1  |   name: undefined,
13:48:00 web.1  |   text: 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = $1',
13:48:00 web.1  |   values: [ '{"username":"foobar"}' ],
13:48:00 web.1  |   callback: undefined,
13:48:00 web.1  |   _result: 
13:48:00 web.1  |    { command: null,
13:48:00 web.1  |      rowCount: null,
13:48:00 web.1  |      oid: null,
13:48:00 web.1  |      rows: [],
13:48:00 web.1  |      fields: [],
13:48:00 web.1  |      _parsers: [],
13:48:00 web.1  |      RowCtor: null },
13:48:00 web.1  |   _addedFields: false,
13:48:00 web.1  |   _canceledDueToError: false }

What am I doing wrong here?


  • Your username variable appears to be a Javascript object with key username and value foobar. Try username.username to reference just the value.

    Alternatively, I highly recommend the ORM Sequelize, which sits on top of pg. Take a look here: