This may sound easy to you all, I'm just trying to list the list of the files in a directory and their size only. I tried bunch of options dir / help, but don't seem to be able to get it right. Can you help please? I also looked around but all I find are reference to diretory size.
I want the out put to look like this
a.txt 21
b.txt 72
3.txt 73
Thanking you in advance
From the command line:
for %F in (*) do @echo %F %~zF
Double up the percents if used within a batch file.
@echo off
for %%F in (*) do echo %%F %%~zF
For fixed width, it probably is better to list the size first, since that width does not vary so much. Twelve digits is almost enough for 1 terabyte. File name length can vary a lot.
Here is a batch script listing size in bytes (up to 12 digits), followed by file name:
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%F in (*) do (
set "name=%%F"
set "size= %%~ZF"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo !size:~-12! !name!
The toggling of delayed expansion is to prevent corruption of the file name if it contains the !
character. Any FOR variable value is corrupted if delayed expansion is enabled and the value contains !