I saw this interview question online and can't find a good method other than the usual additive methods. Any suggestions if this can be done quicker using some bitshift / recursion or something similar ?
Bitshifting would be natural part of a solution.
To multiply a value a by an eight-bit value b, for each 1 bit in b, add up all the values of a multiplied by b with all other bits set to 0. For example, a * 10100001 = a * 10000000 + a * 00100000 + a * 00000001
Taking this further, suppose we want to multiply 11001011
by 0010000
, this is 11001011(bin) << 4(dec)
. Doing this on an eight-bit value gives you 10110000
. You have also lost (8-4)=4
bits from the beginning. Hence you would also want to do 11001011(bin) >> 4(dec)
to get 00001100
as a carry into the next "8-bit column" (assuming that we are using 8 columns to represent a 64-bit answer).
Recursion would not really be necessary. All you'd need is a loop through the 4 bytes of the first 32-bit number, with another loop through the 4 bytes of the second number inside, multiplying each pair of bytes together in turn and adding it to your solution.