I have made a toy interactive console program that is basically an interpreter:
$ myprogram
> this is user input
this is program output
I want to pipe the full session, both user input and program output, into a log file. I can do this like so:
$ cat | tee >(myprogram | tee -a file.log) >> file.log
> this is user input
this is program output
$ cat file.log
> this is user input
this is program output
So the above session will display to the terminal as usual but will also be duplicated to the log file.
Is there a better way to do this? I don't like how I have to write the log file twice, nor how I have to remember to wipe it before running this command.
The simpler form could be
tee >(myprogram) | tee -a file.log
If you want to prevent input being shown again to the screen:
tee -a file.log | myprogram | tee -a file.log