As filenames may contain spaces and new lines \n
, I am using null character as field separator. But I do not know how to say to find
that the input directories are null character separated.
My failed attempt:
find "$@"
$ mkdir 'oneword' 'two words'
$ IFS='\0' foo $(realpath -z 'oneword' 'two words')
How to tell find
that the input directories are separated by zeros?
One way is to use xargs:
realpath -z 'oneword' 'two words' | xargs -0 find
foo() {
local A=() I=0 IFS=''
while read -rd $'\0' A[I++]; do :; done
find "${A[@]}"
realpath -z 'oneword' 'two words' | foo ## Under subshell or pipe
foo < <(realpath -z 'oneword' 'two words') ## No subshell
You can use another fd if needed:
foo() {
local A=() I=0 IFS=''
while read -rd $'\0' -u 4 A[I++]; do :; done
find "${A[@]}"
foo 4< <(realpath -z 'oneword' 'two words')
Note: Using IFS to split your variable's values to multiple arguments can cause pathname expansion and is not commendable. It requires modification of IFS as well which could affect other functions.