I have mojolicous app which works in utf-8 encoding. All my files (templates,code, anything) in utf-8.
But for third-party service I need to show one of my page in win-1251 encoding.
I add new format in startup :
$self->types->type(wbm => 'text/html; charset=win-1251');
I add template/show/mypage.wbm.ep
<%= $txt %>
And in my controller I set the format:
$self->render( 'show/mypage', format => 'wbm', txt => 'Превед, win1251');
And when i visit I see right type text/html; charset=win-1251 and wrong characters like
I tried do encoding in template like:
<%= Encode::encode('windows-1251',$txt) %>
And tried do same in controller, but page still shown incorrect.
Help me please.
Here is test projects https://github.com/korjavin/MojoWinPage with full code.
It was solved by
my $page = $self->render( 'show/mypage', format => 'wbm', txt => $txt, partial> => 1); my $win=Mojo::Util::encode ('cp-1251',$page); $self->render(data=>$win);
Thanks to Sebastian Riedel (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mojolicious/bX_LLQIsop8)